Audio Bio: Carissa Holaska

Me/Us/U · Audio Bio: Clarissa Holaska









[Music from the Minecraft soundtrack plays]

You can’t get me hooked on anything. I promise, you will create a monster, like friends will introduce me to a new artist and next thing you know I’ve memorized every word to every song. I’ll start a several season long TV show and you won’t hear from me for days. There’s always something that I’m obsessed with, always a phase that I am in too deep. And honestly? Most of the time my hobbies and interests are just straight up embarrassing to admit.

Like, yes I had a crush on a member of the boyband 5 Seconds of Summer and read fanfiction as if we would miraculously one day meet and fall in love [kiss sound effect].

And yes, I had a Sherlock phase back in 2015, and I cringe looking back on the wild theories and ridiculous Tumblr posts I would read [typing sound effect].

I was really into the Norwegian television show Skam and…I tried to learn Norwegian so I could understand the show without subtitles.

I’ve been deep in the clutches of the Kpop industry, [concert crowd sound effect] spending more money than I should have on pretty albums…and spamming twitter with love for… arguably manufactured personalities. I even wrote a paper on privacy and dating in the industry, with full on research.

I’ve stumbled into Dungeons and Dragons, [dice rolling sound effect] and while I haven’t actually played it yet, it’s more of a lack of actually getting a group together, and less of an avoidance of the game.

And yes, in the stressful time of a global pandemic, I have regressed to my twelve year old self and have gotten back into Minecraft. Playing it, watching content, getting stupidly into speedruns, you name it.

And honestly, this isn’t how I usually introduce myself to people. I often struggle with it, I never know quite how to describe myself to someone who doesn’t live inside my head. I’ll tell them the basics, my name is Carissa, I like to write, my favorite color is pink. My Hogwarts House? Ravenclaw? Enneagram? type 4, Myers-Briggs, INFJ, zodiac sign, Taurus. But those arbitrary categories mean nothing. If you get to know me more you’ll learn my favorite bands, the books I like, and maybe you’ll hear vaguely that I’ve been getting more into video games recently [coin sound effect].

Right now, I’m a junior here at Susquehanna, and I’m currently working on a novel. At pretty much any given moment I’m listening to music, and recently I’ve been really into Remi Wolf and The Front Bottoms. My gaming hours are consumed by Splatoon 2 and Minecraft these days, with time for random games with friends of course. And that’s all more than what the average person knows about me.

The truth of the matter is that the core of my personality is the niche things I’m passionate about. And I think that goes for everyone. As cheesy as it sounds, the real me, is just a giant mashup of every hobby or interest I’ve had, fueled by Twitter stan accounts, hours scrolling through Reddit and Tumblr, and the friends I’ve made by sharing our mutual interests. And I’m okay with that. These days I spend long nights on voice calls with friends in different states playing games for hours and bonding over our favorite internet content creators.

So, like I said, you can’t get me hooked on anything. Unlessss you want someone to watch your favorite show with, to play video games with, to make endless theories with… In that case, tell me everything.

The background music in this audio bio is Wait by C184 and sound effects are all from The coin sound is by PlanetTronik, the typing sound is by GeorgeHopkins, the kissing sound is by IanLyanx, the concert sound is by SomSound2, and the dice rolling sound is by JrayHartley.







Dice rolling: