This is case number 1998. Our only suspect? Kiera Bertrand, student, writer, and potential murderer.
(The sound of Law and Order’s transition theme plays)
She’s 5 feet 4 inches tall with a size 7 shoe, average.
(mysterious piano music softly plays in the background)
Her hair is red-ish but mostly brown, and curly, sometimes on the wilder side. Her eyes are a bright blue, and always wide and curious. Her fashion choices normally include cardigans, other sweater options, and blue jeans. Witnesses say they saw a person of this description fleeing the crime scene. Kiera also happens to be a serial tea drinker, one of the many reasons she ended up in the suspect pool. Because a teacup was left, half-empty at the scene of the crime containing a unique Irish tea blend. The character witnesses say this is her favorite tea, and that she almost never finishes her cup.
(tea pouring sound effect plays at “teacup”)
We have reason to believe the murder weapon was a black ballpoint pen, a sharp poetic voice, and paper, all of which were said to be in her possession the day of the crime. We received a search warrant for her room at her parent’s house in New York and her dorm at Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania.
(pen click sound effect plays after “pen”)
Through our search, one thing about Kiera became overwhelmingly clear, her pen and stationery collection was extensive, almost excessive, and her notebooks were full, almost to the very last page. We confiscated these to compare to the ones found at the crime scene and they were a match. Among her possessions was a comprehensive library of mostly unread books, yet also books we suspect she re-read multiple times. The reasoning is a mystery. But there is one thing we didn’t find: the tea. She had every other tea available, green, chai, peppermint, but not the Irish blend. We have a feeling someone tipped her off.
(frantic pen writing sound effect plays at “pen” and a book browsing sound effect plays at “books”)
What we hoped to discover after the completion of the search warrant, was a motive. What is it that drove Kiera to kill? She’s a quiet member of her community with no prior criminal history. She’s never even received a speeding ticket. And everyone we’ve spoken to describes her as odd, yet kind and understanding. They say it takes a lot to get her angry, and she often cringes at the sight of violence. Even after an extensive search of her homes, we have been unable to come up with any stressor that would drive her to commit such a heinous crime. Yet the clues still fit.
Through our investigation, we have concluded that Kiera is a mystery. Even after all this evidence, she remains only a suspect.
(Piano music fades out.)
The background music in this audio bio is Two Minutes forty-three of non Euclidian harmony by Circus Marcus from The sound effects are from The tea pouring is by LG, the pen clicking by freemaster2, the pen writing by Barkers Pinhead, and the book browsing by animatic. The Law and Order sound is by Alexander from