(Plucky guitar and synthetic keyboard music intro, fading quieter under voice)
Olivia – I really should have seen it coming, and looking back, it seems like it was inevitable.
(Music continues louder again, but fades quieter when voice comes back)
Olivia – I don’t know what your beliefs are, whether you think there’s a higher power or any kind of fate or a driving force in the universe, but I believe in God, and I believe He has a plan for me… I just took a while to grasp what it was, and I’m not gonna lie, I’m still figuring it out to a degree. All I know is it truly seems like I was meant to be where I am today.
Rory Gilmore – I live in two worlds. One is a world of books.
Olivia – I’m Olivia Neumyer, and like Rory Gilmore, I live in a world of books. I am a senior Publishing & Editing major at Susquehanna University. If you had asked me two years ago if I would be here, I’d tell you that I had no idea where I’d be. I had nothing figured out back then. I was going into my second and last year at community college and had just decided the school I was obsessed with was not at all where I wanted to go.
To add another layer, I didn’t even think I’d study something in the realm of English until my senior year of high school. I thought that knowledge was the last piece I needed to face my future, but then I figured out in my freshmen year of college that the only school I was interested in transferring to was not what I had hoped. It put a bit of a dent in my plans. But like my mother always says, “Man plans, God laughs.”
Ending up where I am feels like walking into God’s plans for my future. Plans He promised me in his Word.
Olivia’s Oma – Jeremiah 29:11 “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord. ‘Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.’”
Olivia – To start, I was born on August 9th, National Book Lovers Day—that should have been my first clue, right? My love for books began young. My 1st grade teacher started my fascination with The Magic Treehouse series, and my mother and I read Nancy Drew to each other before bed. I used to sneak books under my desk all through elementary and middle school. I started to write my own stories. I took a book with me EVERYWHERE I went. I still do. I even worked at a bookstore and believe me when I tell you that employee discount fed my obsession. All these things were pieces of a puzzle I hadn’t mapped out yet.
During my senior year of high school, my boyfriend at the time convinced me to go into an English degree instead of the more stable option of psychology. He had realized before me that I would be miserable studying almost anything else. I initially looked into an English Literature degree, but even that didn’t quite fit my taste exactly. However, I felt it was my best option because I didn’t even know the program I’m currently in existed.
When everything fell apart with my plans, I thought I was screwed. But then I went to a writers’ conference that summer, and I spoke with an amazing editor who told me about this school and this program, and it felt so right. Everything felt like it was falling into place. I was skeptical after my last experience, so I visited the campus, and that solidified it for me. I would go to Susquehanna University, I would get the Publishing & Editing degree, and I would pursue a career in editing.
Right? Heh, not quite.
I’m here. I’m getting the degree. But even just within the year that I’ve spent here, I realized I wasn’t being called to just be an editor. I’m too extroverted to do such an isolated line of work. So, I have decided that I will pursue a career as a literary agent. I can still help with initial edits before pitching the story to publishers, but my personality would fit best into the role of advocate for my authors.
(Music fades out completely)
This is what I was made for.
Olivia – Do you think that this is exactly what I’m supposed to be doing and where I’m supposed to be?
Olivia’s Mom – Yes, I have a great deal of peace, um, that you have found your calling, that God has set you on this path, because you encourage.
Olivia – (chuckle) So you think I’m gonna do well in the career I have chosen?
Olivia’s Mom – Mhm, I do. Like I said, I think it was made for you, in that you have followed your star so to speak.
Olivia – (chuckle)
Olivia’s Mom – And you’ve found your groove, and your niche.
Olivia – Mhm, God’s got me right where He wants me.
Olivia’s Mom – Yep. And as long as you keep listening to Him, you’re not gonna have any issues.
Olivia – Yeah
Olivia’s Mom – Because He’ll direct you every step of the way.
Olivia – (unattractive chuckle of knowing)
Olivia’s Mom – Yeah, I’m proud of you. Love you.
Olivia – I love you, too.
(Music starts back up)
Olivia – The way things lined up in my life to get me where I am truly makes it feel like I am where I am meant to be. Words are my life. Stories are my future. God made a born and raised book lover, so I will use that to walk in His purpose for me.
(Music continues slightly louder)
Olivia – This audio bio was written, edited, and performed by Olivia Neumyer. The music backing is “Debora” by Jangwa, found on freemusicarchive.org, and is listed under CC-BY 4.0. The Rory Gilmore quote came from Gilmore Girls season 3, episode 22, “Those Are Strings, Pinocchio.” Special thanks to my Oma for reading Jeremiah 29:11, and my mother for answering some questions.
(Music plays us out)